
  • 星星_余华_北京文学1984年01期
  • 《小亲疙瘩》——莫言
  • L to the OG
  • Apple Vision Pro
  • 《首尔之春》
  • 《周处除三害》
  • 《人生每一步都算数》


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☕3 L to the OG


L to the motherfuckin' OG

Good evening, everyone
Thank you for being here to honor my dad's life and work
So when Rhea was planning this thing
She asked me to help out with
A tribute of a certain flavor
Just remember, I'm not a professional
Born on the North Bank, king of the East Side
50 years strong, now he's rolling in a stick ride
Handmade suits, raking in loot
Five-star general, y'all best salute
Yo, bitches be catty, but the King Kong daddy
Rock all the haters while we go roll a fatty
Squiggle on the decks, Kenny on the rhymes
And Logan big ballin' on Hampton's time
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro, see
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro
A-1 ratings, 80K wine
Never going to stop baby, fuck father time
Bro, don't get it twisted, I've been through hell
But since I stan dad, I'm alive and well
Shaper of views, creator of news
Father of many, paid all his dues
So don't try to run your mouth at the king
Just pucker up, bitch, and go kiss the ring
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro, see
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro, see
L to the OG
Dude be the OG
A-N he playing
Playing like a pro
When I say L, you say OG
L to the (OG)
L to the (OG)
L to the (OG)
L to the (OG)
L to the (OG)
L to the motherfuckin' OG






Dear Zhiyu Liu,

I was very moved by your letter and although I am very sorry you will not be coming to MIT,I am very very happy for you. From the tone of the letter,it is clear that now you found your path and you seem very very happy. This is the most important moment of somebody's life:to recognize one's path!

I would love to visit your temple at some point with my family. I am sure it would be a wonderful experience,so please keep in touch and let me know how your studies progress.

Good luck with your new future and thank you again for letting us know your decision.

Best regards

focus on your own way.



Apple Vision Pro苹果头盔的最大问题

科技爱好者周刊(第 290 期):苹果头盔的最大问题

Images Side by Side
Image 1
Image 2

开发者需要知道 GPU 知识

AI 大量使用 GPU 运算,本文介绍开发者需要知道的 GPU 知识。前半部分是概念,后半部分是 GPU 编程,可以只看前半部分。





-- 巴斯大学













电动车的重量普遍比同级别燃油车重20%,原因是电池很重。举例来说,特斯拉 Model Y 单单是电池,就重770公斤,相比之下,一辆大众甲壳虫燃油车的整体重量也只有820公斤,而后者的续航还要大于前者。


We will all become boring

Loneliness, liberalism, and the traditional family

NB: I’m going to be publishing occasional Substack essays – both free and paywalled – alongside the MMM podcast: weekly bonus episodes for founding members plus weekly or bi-weekly interviews. I’ve now started work on my next book, The Case For Having Kids, and will be using these essays as a drawing board, to work through ideas and elicit feedback.



  • The coup in Africa
  • The 2 man's bald face
    • After reading Wikipedia: he became president twice in eight years after he seized power, and he was not bad in economy and diplomacy, especially in the relations between South Korea and North Korea.

At the beginning of his appointment, Jang Tae-wan, the commander of the capital garrison, made it clear for many times that he was not interested in politics, but the above thought that he was one of the few honest men and was given great trust. Because he was not familiar with the rules of the game, he was upright and loyal, and finally he could not resist the heavy encirclement of the enemy. Come down rationally and seriously think about your wishes? Strengths? Even if there is one in since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!, we should choose our own path and make a good decision. When it comes to making decisions such as investing in stocks in Mao Dong's basically harmless podcast, smart people often think that the more uncertainties they have, the more confident they will make decisions. However, in the face of many changes that have been made, they tend to develop in an uncontrolled direction, because smart people may often miss the perfect opportunity.
首尔之春 서울의 봄 2023)

忽左忽右:306 汉江暗流:兵变与韩国转型前史

The film Seoul Spring, which exploded in South Korea, provided a new narrative version of the "Double Twelve" story in 1979, and also reflected the attitude of a new generation of Koreans towards this ambiguous history of good and evil. In this issue, we will go back to the history of military intervention in South Korea since 1960. Since the Second Republic, how did Lu Shi graduates and intelligence agencies become the core of upper-level politics in South Korea? What kind of factional struggle is behind the classical rule of park chung-hee? Looking back today, are these negative political legacies really gone? Welcome to the wonderful sharing brought by Liu Yi and Sha Qingqing!

Another point is the fault of JiangHu. Rightous people often receive unfair treatment.



"In DC, there was an incident of a 25-year-old seemingly white male youth, an active-duty military member, self-immolating in protest. It started with seeing the photo in the morning military news, then watching the video interpretation, and just now, I went back to the original video. On a side note (different media forms present vastly different depths of emotional impact, be it video, images, perhaps music, books?). When watching, I was speechless, didn't cry, silently watching the person shouting, then tightly clenching fists while spinning in circles, trying to stand straight, and finally unable to resist falling to the ground. Before falling, the hat on the head burned and fell to the ground, followed by the clothes, pants, falling down, for some reason the right leg formed a triangle with the ground, and then the image only showed this gray-white triangle. Where else could be more reminiscent of a battlefield?"

油然而生 and 火焰从骨头崩发燃至全身

This is why you can't trust anything: 'Cancel Culture' is a form of boycott often initiated online. It usually happens when celebrities make statements or engage in behaviors on social media platforms that are deemed offensive or unacceptable, leading to various forms of public backlash. As a form of punishment, they may lose endorsement deals, sponsorship opportunities, or even disappear from the public eye.


At first, it was Colby who said 'fuck cancel culture' during a pre-match weigh-in interview. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but the scene of that phrase has been in my head. The official Chinese translation given at the time was (online violence), and I didn't fully grasp the term until recently when I read news from The New York Times about Kanye being 'canceled' for a long time. I misunderstood it before.


Catfishing: lie to somebody about who you are.网恋诈骗钓鱼 猫钓

所以为什么所有人都在戴着面具? N95 take off


写到关于周处除三害 周處除三害 电影整体结构和起初河边的错误有异曲同工之处,类别不尽相同,却都有悬疑的元素,尤其是前者的第三个案子,两个电影都是明显的三个故事。值得关注的就是电影的中文名和英文名The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon背后的出处以及寓意了。

中文:通缉犯陈桂林(阮经天 饰)生命将尽,却发现自己在通缉榜上只排名第三,他决心查出前两名通缉犯的下落,并将他们一一除掉。陈桂林以为自己已成为当代的周处除三害,却没想到永远参不透的贪嗔痴,才是人生终要面对的罪与罚。


“The Pig , The Snake and The Pigeon”是佛教中的概念,代表 three poisons(三毒),或许对应汉语里的“贪”,“嗔”,“痴”三个概念。在“生命之轮”(the wheel of life)的中心,这三毒(poisons)分别用猪(pig)、鸟(bird,即pigeon)和蛇(snake),分别代表无知(ignorance)、执念(attachment)和怨恨(aversion)。正如生命之轮(梵语: bhavacakra)所示,这三种毒会导致业力(karma)的产生,从而导致在六界(six realms)轮回(samsara)中重生(rebirth)。





在《The Pig The Snake And The Pigeon》这个片名中,提到了三种动物:猪(Pig)、蛇(Snake)、鸽子(Pigeon)。

Paid in Full!

Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!