
  • Euro 2024
  • 阅读是一座随身携带的避难所


Bas - Lit ft. J. Cole, KQuick
summer time

You'd be surprised how many truths you can hide in flows
I'm listenin' to this beat with my eyelids closed
Thoughts keep flashin' and I keep laughin'
I never thought that I would fuck Irish hoes
Maybe Asian bitches or Caucasian bitches
Remember when I got to New York I was lost
Because all I ever saw was Jamaican bitches


Do you still believe in love?
Or do you like drugs?
Ran into a night owl rollin' White Owls
Girl it's been awhile since I hit a White Owl
I'm with it though, she a centerfold
Big ol' blunt look like tentacles
She strip in Europe, Interpol
Don't remember her in her clothes
I fucked her friend, damn they was close
Let's reunite, let's get em close
Hit 'em twice in a row, hit a flight, and I'm ghost
That's the last time I seen her though
She be gettin' too eager, ho
Stamp it like it's my visa
Cheefin' off of these berries
When the world gets heavy and it hurts to carry
I'm her Midnight Mercenary
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
That's a half?
Shit it was
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
She take me to a place that I never would discover
Might never have another, so I had to fuck her
Reach into my pockets, damn I ain't got a rubber
See my nigga Ron, like L. Ron Hubbard, he be outta space
Say he got a case of straps at the back of the hotel cupboard
Room 508, check by the safe, she say "Boy you got it made
Do you got a cape?", I ain't with the games ma, do I gotta wait?
I'm quite impatient, intoxication got me feelin' like procreating
Girl I'm the baker, you surely caking
Stand back, catch my amazing graces
Photo finish and fornication
Photo finish and fornication
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
That's a half?
Shit it was
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
Feel the buzz
Can you feel the buzz?
Feel the buzz
Do you believe in love?
What's your drug?
What's your drug?
Now comes the question of which intro do you use?
Do you use this intro or the other intro I was talkin' on?
But, then that let's people know I had more than one take
So maybe we should just not use this and use the other intro
So people would think I just took it straight through
Yea, let's do that
You'd be surprised how many truths you can hide in flows
I'm listenin' to this beat with my eyelids closed
Thoughts keep flashin' and I keep laughin'
I never thought that I would fuck Irish hoes
Maybe Asian bitches or Caucasian bitches
Remember when I got to New York I was lost
Because all I ever saw was Jamaican bitches
I ain't barely know what Jamrock was
Lil' country nigga God damn I was
To you niggas talkin' online until you make it this high
Then you could never understand this buzz, well
Maybe if you put yourself in the shoes
Of a nigga comin' straight out the South
No gold grill just a east coast feel
And a set of crooked teeth in his mouth
Make them hoes bounce, that can't get enough
Niggas say I made it I ain't make it enough
Man hang that nigga, you a real lame ass nigga
If you ain't got my tape in your truck
Cole, uhm world don't you forget that
I think I lost my mind round the same time I lost my six pack
But no sit-ups for me, long as my dick still get up for me
Long as a ho still give up for me
She usually charge but she get us for free
Woah, that's TMI, lil' something like TMZ
Scared of the days you'll be seeing me
'Cause my girl do not play, coach DNP
That's something for the hoop fans
Just copped her the coupe man
No drop top but a slot on the roof that can slide out
And get a little sun while you ride out
Ced on the beat let me vibe out
We was 15 with a ASR up in my house
Writin' rhymes out, momma made it happen
Could've been a lawyer but I made it rappin', he made it rappin'
Now at the shows he the main attraction
Another shot of Henny so I'm faded askin'
How long do this drug called fame be lastin' "It's lit, feel the buzz?"
Another shot of Henny so I'm faded askin'
How long do this drug called fame be lastin', that's deep
Feel the buzz?
It's lit
Feel the buzz?
Feel the buzz?

PhD productivity plan:

Start by reading 1 page
Start by writing 1 paragraph
Start by researching 1 question
Start by applying 1 method
Start by analysing 1 dataset
Start by emailing 1 contact
Start by attending 1 event
Start by taking 1 break

Start today

Repeat tomorrow




AI 最擅长做下面的事情。


(2)完成低级编码任务,比如初级程序员从一个项目复制到另一个项目的代码,或者从 Stack Overflow 复制代码。

(3)对会议、论文和数据库进行总结和排序。AI 非常擅长干这个,因为它本来就是围绕从大量无序数据中提取有用信息的概念构建的。

(4)从大量数据----天文观测、蛋白质相互作用、临床结果----发现其中的模式。AI 虽然本身并没有做出任何发现,但研究人员可以利用它们来加速自己的发现。

(5)AI 是令人惊讶的健谈者,可以永无止境地谈下去,而且对每个话题都很了解,不带评判性,并且反应迅速!

AI 最大的风险在于,它们不知道如何说"我不知道"。

当 AI 遇见以前从未遇见的东西时会发生什么?由于没有现成的模式可供遵循,它只是根据以前模式所反映的一般规则进行猜测。因此它的反应可能很笼统、很奇怪或不恰当。我们将这种现象称为幻觉。

令人不安的是,AI 不会告诉你,哪些是它的幻觉,哪些是事实。

如果你要求 AI 总结一些研究并给出引用,它可能会编造一些不存在的论文和作者,你根本分不出来。

而且,按照目前 AI 模型的构建方式,没有任何实用的方法可以防止幻觉。

英伟达黄仁勋 Computex 2024 演讲全文及精华介绍


iOS 18






rating: ⭐⭐⭐


  • 作者: [英] 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆
  • 出版社: 江西人民出版社
  • rating:8.4 @douban


  • 自己读当然是为了更好地理解与思考,同时在阅读时候能够有更细致的观察,从而引发更深度的洞察与收获
  • 不是为了真的学习怎么写小说,not my business
  • 每天睡前25分钟的番茄钟 不能多也不能少,不能少是要每天习惯坚持,不能多是要控制 虽然经常性会遇到精彩的地方舍不得断离美梦一样,但是为了正常的作息和习惯坚持,还是要控制
  • 就此再写一个读书的技巧方法论,常写常新,cuz this’s a life-long process 八九十岁都会常读常新,进度和体会还是要时刻记录的,和每天的、陈旧的报纸一样 有时效性 也可以见证成长 复习技巧



  • 很多道理是已熟知的,依兴趣而读,放弃也是okay的,时机不成熟或者就是目前的经历还是让你提不起兴趣或者感受不到趣味或者本身没有多少艺术气息
  • 早上起来读科学哲学,下午闲暇时间杂文诗集,睡前小说
  • But remeber it's all about experience 专注于让你激情澎湃的旅程,像看一场球一样 英超西甲 contagious 就是迷幻的旅程,过程中享受就像是被幻境麻醉一样,逍遥自在
  • 白噪音可以,但还是不要chill songs 一有人说话就不能集中精力



  • 难以从头到尾保持兴趣不减
  • 有些章节甚至看标题就知道要不要读了,就像筛选文献一样



  • 普世感染
  • 趣味持久







  • 不要改变别人,同时认为自己的才是对的,要求别人也同样生活
  • 认真地阅读一本书,就像是在与作者进行









2024 SummerTime

football&summer: 还是八年前,同样是欧洲杯,瑞士头牌沙奇里,法国葡萄牙决战争锋,C罗伤退,配角挺身而出最终捧杯,而一路闪耀的格子与吉鲁则在家门口留下遗憾。2016,也是中考之年,足球和夏天~还有好几个女孩。 上次欧洲杯则是疫情相关,留下记忆的同样是东道主遗憾未能触摸到奖杯,但这并不是主要的。三狮的三个年轻人在点球大战中没有顶住压力,最后将我们热爱的足球事件上升到社会部分人对于种族的攻击,当时还写了一篇文#When you win ,you’re English ,when you lose you’re black.

  • 自然界不允许真空存在,社会允许邪恶存在,大部分时候还是世界充满爱的。pandemic 让人感觉时间过得快,甚至像是消失一样,只留下一抹记忆。
  • 终究还是会留下点遗憾的。通常人们最喜欢的球星都是小时候看球敬仰的,但不巧这个时期极少有机会去实现愿望,现场见证偶像触碰巅峰,每一代人都这样,80后的MJ,90后的KOBE,AI。等到自己成人之后奋斗有了经济能力,但这样的愿景再无可能实现。希望下一个版本的地球online会为人类修复这个bug。
  • 球一进,观众席塑料啤酒杯全部像火箭一样迸射向天空! 永远属于足球的场景



Fight Inc: Inside the UFC

在roku免费看的三集 两小时内倍速结束

The Donald Trump Interview



Chills watching Dustin Poirier's EPIC #UFC302 walkout 😮‍💨

JRE 2060 - Gary Brecka



  • 生活是构建memory的过程 人们死前会遗憾 主要是自己的legacy不能永存 未来有了脑机接口来储存记忆的技术 孩子们可以体会到祖父母的记忆 有意义了
  • 这个世界的副本运行到这个程度大家已经可以总结出很多物理现象及其背后的理论了:* 盗版的视频、电视剧电影等流媒体资源,还有软件等等,最全的绝对是俄罗斯的网站,我一般就用yandex,太逆天,别的中英文搜索引擎搜一天都没有俄语搜索引擎有效~
  • 甚至全网的英文原流媒体视频都搜不到,却能有俄语已经配音的。
  • Frank 的一封信
    • 就是这种感觉 , 一个人慢慢成长,别急,一路上都是milestone
  • 最终能不能成为最好并不是最重要和最值得关心的 重要的是真诚的想要成为最好的心。
  • 每次应该都有年终盘点的TOP10 书影音 很少有moment或者days
    • rainy mornings running listening podcast Trevor Noah
  • Write little and often.
  • A good nap solves a lot of productivity problems. (@lexfridman Jun 11)

"I'll start tomorrow"

The biggest lie you tell yourself is that you'll do something you should really be doing tomorrow or at some other time. This often leads to not doing it at all, resulting in a loss of trust in yourself. You keep putting something off until you reach a point where you completely abandon it because you lack confidence in yourself.

If you truly intend to do something or really need to, do it now without hesitation and without excuses, because that's when you'll overcome yourself and it will be much easier for you in the future. You don't even have to do the whole thing; on the contrary, start small, because often the beginning is the hardest and requires the most effort. The more you overcome this initial hurdle, the easier it will be to continue.

So, the next time you have something planned, whether it's chores like homework or cleaning, or things you've always wanted to do like a solo date or learning a new language, start NOW in small steps and don't put it off to the future, because then you'll NEVER do it.



  1. The 5-Minute Rule
    If it takes less than 5 minutes, do it now. Yes, even if it’s getting up to stretch. Procrastination is for stretching, not tasks!

  2. Eat the Frog First
    Tackle the hardest task first thing in the morning. Frogs taste better when you’re not thinking about them all day.

  3. Pomodoro Technique
    Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat. Because even tomatoes need a break!

  4. Make a To-Do List
    Write down your tasks. Checking them off feels like a tiny victory dance every time.

  5. Set Alarms
    Use alarms to remind you of tasks. Because nothing says "Get back to work" like a phone screaming at you.

  6. Delegate
    Share tasks with others. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work (and gives you more Netflix time).

  7. Avoid Multitasking
    Focus on one task at a time. Multitasking is just doing multiple things poorly at once.

  8. Use Apps and Tools
    Utilize productivity apps. Let technology be the boss that tells you to get back to work.

  9. Break Tasks into Chunks
    Divide tasks into smaller, manageable parts. Eating an elephant is easier one bite at a time, not that you should eat elephants.

  10. Set Boundaries
    Learn to say no. Protect your time like it’s the last slice of pizza.

  11. Reward Yourself
    Give yourself a treat after completing tasks. Because who doesn’t work faster for chocolate?

  12. Keep a Calendar
    Schedule your tasks and appointments. Because remembering everything is for elephants and computers, not humans.

  13. Take Care of Yourself
    Get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well. A tired brain is like a computer running Windows 95. Slow and prone to crash.

  14. Limit Social Media
    Use social media blockers during work hours. Facebook and Instagram can wait; your research paper can’t.

  15. Reflect and Adjust
    Review your progress regularly and adjust as needed. It’s like GPS rerouting you after a wrong turn.



Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!