
  • 没有对白的动画短片《村庄》
  • 因果报应 Maharaja (2024)



因果报应 Maharaja (2024)


生活中真正没有电影里面那种正反一边倒的剧情:要不完全好人 要不坏人。生活太复杂 所以好电影里面呈现出来的五味杂陈。《因果报应》刚前一半是喜剧,从主人公手抓连墙的支架开始,到后面尤其是找冒名顶替的垃圾桶和替罪者;另一半悲剧,有两处巧合的情景极大地推动了剧情发展,巧妙而且令人印象深刻,除此之外涉及到的犯罪有抢劫和强奸等,反转到最后的“因果报应”。


everyone is different in their own ways and you should just love yourself for who you are you're very wise you inspire me oh thanks yeah you inspired me well can you please share some words of motivation to everyone watching my show everyone watching the show do you be yourself and make sure that you love being yourself and it's going to be roadblocks it's going to be tribulations but always remember this is a life experience accept the experience appreciate the experience and learn how to move on from things that don't serve you well you know and find your journey respect your journey and love it you heard it guys from the man himself mr kendrick lamar so until next time jazzing out all right