
  • Life-time Winner
  • Dog inside me
  • El diamante


1, 2, get down

Paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
I paid the cost to be the boss

Look at me you know what you see
You see a bad mother

👑 Fighters


Fuck. Just as I was walking back from the road, I heard DP's entrance song playing. I was thinking that it's 299 next weekend, and as I waited for the elevator, I thought 'LFG.' Maybe I could write him a private message, talk about the influence he's had on me as a man, a father, a husband. YNWA. Then, as I got back to the dormitory building, I saw a WeChat post saying that the next match might be DP's last match. WTF


ONE 一个数字赛已经两个disqulification LOL LMAO
@one championship
and treble champ

Like I always said small group like our MMA community, we're all united as one when there a fighter coming out from this background. Francis is like our own family fighting there, representing us. But it's sad to be knocked out cold like that.

It all started with that unorthodox stance.

adjective. not conforming to rules, traditions, or modes of conduct, as of a doctrine, religion, or philosophy; not orthodox: an unorthodox ideology.

The fight before this main event, it's the comain event between Zhang and Parker. Zhang had knocked down Parker twice but he lost by majority decision. For 40-year-old Zhang, possibly the problem is the cardio. The commentator nicely concluded the performance of the Zhang, 'it's quite like a basketball player slammed twice but just scored 4 points.'

Joseph Parker outpointed Zhilei Zhang

The post-fight press conference: emmm sad.

Uh, fuck. I'm just not in the mood to watch the ceremony weigh in of UFC 299...

the Dustin Poirier Style!!!

Song Yadong!

Watching Alex Pereira's Ceremonial Weigh-In several times, it feels like a frenzy of humans celebrating in front of the gates of the underworld

BTW, another crazy shit got annouced!

晚上回去的路上骑车,又一次感慨DP可能临近退役了,似乎又一段记忆要被bury,遗憾又难过,但想想,最终都是幸福,很多个周日守在屏幕前,从入场到比赛结束,心跟着激动,每次经历完这些心里都像是会被打上烙印。结束后吃饭,然后坐在公园或者什么地方的长椅上,双手捧着书,双腿伸直,享受着阳光沐浴在脸上的温暖,这是春天。都会失去吧,或者说总会过去的,不管好的坏的,时间是无情的,好在对我来说失去这些更多是丝丝难以接受的遗憾,并没有不安,我们都一样,还会继续生活,昂起头微笑着继续走。also,我还很幸运,选择了你的照片挂在墙上,发的激励的story也被你看到点了like,我想我会永远记住那个周二的早上七点五十九分,是我这辈子难忘的时刻之一。另外还有一件小事,在口语课上我积极勇敢地表达了很多方面,主要是MMA和kendrick lamar,前者不仅是fight,背后还有family&culture,后者同样也是。all glory to god.

啊,最重要的是口语课上有同学提问favourite fighter, ofc you know the answer.

I just checked the birthday of both Justin and Dustin,November 14, 1988 and January 19, 1989, respectively. So what...



Almost forgot to say that this time I feel like that 诱惑和想要做的像黑洞一样吸收周围的事物 这是物是数据 知识 包括书籍 播客 所有的所有 和宇宙一样 随着时间的流逝 这没有边界 学海无涯

fight day


I was almost crying when heared that you're about to retire from this sport. Of cause I'll follow wherever you go, bur it's still sad to think about it. But man you got it all, an extremely lovely daughter and wife, you're always a winner in this life. As a young teenager, you inspire me to be a brave young man, puls, you've taught me how to be a worrior defending his & his family's life, being a dad and husbund. the show goes on,love from XXX. You never walk alone!!!!!!

you're a star lighting up my life



This afternoon, on March 2, 2024, I went to see the Terracotta Warriors with Professor AF. Although I wasn't particularly interested and didn't feel much awe at the sight, today's weather was unusually clear. The outdoor sunlight shone through the windows onto the mounds of earth and the walls of the pits, illuminating the bodies of the warriors. History seemed to flow through my mind like water. For thousands of years, they have been here, and I felt connected with this planet. I marveled at the greatness of time, witnessing the stories of the galaxy. It made me think of Agatha Christie's archaeological team in Damascus, Syria.

Brand-new book with old stories, I'm not goona buy it...

There is an interesting thing:

Writing weekly newsletter to yours.
如何收集点子,并写成 newsletter

A hole drilled on Mars





USB 止痒器




人类聊天 GPT 和思维混乱的恶习Human ChatGPTs and the vices of foggy thinking
from weekly journal

大家都说 ChatGPT 像人,但是我觉得,还有另一方面,那就是有些人很像 ChatGPT,尤其是在学术界。

ChatGPT 不理解任何材料,但可以利用这些材料,快速找到问题的合理答案。它会综合和模仿,有时表现得非常令人信服,就像某个知识渊博的人在谈论某个主题。



许多领域的许多人,表现得就像 ChatGPT 的真人版,特别是在那些不做太多实证工作、不涉及对事实或假设进行检验的学科。他们制造的文本越多,就越危险。


我现在意识到,我不理解某人在说什么,有时很可能是他们不知道自己在说什么,表现得像 ChatGPT。


现在,ChatGPT 向我们展示了尽管不理解,但将大量材料合成为可信的文本流,是完全可以做到的。也许这是不可避免的,但真是一种非常不健康的恶习----人们应该走出去,观察事物,清晰说出自己的真实感受。


knowledge and learning

Let's dive deep together into the world of knowledge and learning. 📚✨



Thanks for being an insider till the end!
Till next , stay safe and stay hydrated!